One-Time Cleaning

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Move In/ Move Out Cleaning

Moving into a new home is a huge, stressful project, and you need all of the help that you can get to streamline this process. At TheHandyCleaner, we understand how important it is to clean the home or apartment that you are moving out of and to give your family a pristine new space to live in from day one. With our move-in and move-out cleaning services, you can cross all of the cleaning chores off of your to-do list and concentrate on getting settled into your new home.

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Choose a time that you want. Same day services available

Watch us clean

Let the professionals do the dirty work.
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✓ Counter tops cleaned and disinfected
✓ Outside of range hood cleaned
✓ Top and front of stove cleaned
✓ Drips pans or ceramic top surfaces wiped
✓ Sinks cleaned and sanitized
✓ Fronts of all appliances cleaned
✓ Floors vacuumed and damp mopped
✓ Window sills, ledges, and blinds dusted
✓ Cobwebs removed
✓ Microwave wiped in and out
✓ Doors spot cleaned
✓ Top of tables and chairs cleaned
✓ General dusting
✓ Empty garbage and recycle
✓ * Inside fridge cleaned (optional for extra cost)
✓ * Inside oven cleaned (optional for extra cost)

* Additional charges may apply

✓ Floors mopped and disinfected
✓ Tile walls, bathtubs, and showers cleaned
✓ Baseboards hand cleaned
✓ Doorknobs are detail cleaned and disinfected
✓ Mildew on the walls spot cleaned
✓ * Laundry wash & dry (Optional for extra cost)
✓ Shower door and tracks given attention
✓ Doors hand wiped
✓ Fronts of cabinets hand wiped
✓ Faucets, sinks, and drains cleaned and disinfected
✓ Outlets and light switches hand wiped
✓ Laundry room surfaces cleaned
✓ Tile walls, bathtubs, and showers cleaned
✓ Vanity cleaned
✓ Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and shined
✓ Floors cleaned, carpets vacuumed
✓ Toilets thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
✓ Window sills, ledges, and blinds dusted
✓ Cobwebs removed
✓ General dusting
✓ Empty garbage

* Additional charges may apply

✓ Flat surface areas hand wiped
✓ Doors spot cleaned
✓ Cobwebs removed
✓ Picture frames dusted
✓ Ceiling fans dusted 
✓ Lamp shades dusted
✓ Electronics dusted
✓ Heavy knickknack areas dusted
✓ Window sills, ledges and blinds dusted
✓ Floors mopped
✓ Stairs vacuumed
✓ Closet floors vacuumed
✓ All accessible floors vacuumed and mopped
✓ General dusting

* Additional charges may apply

✓ Floors vacuumed and moped
✓ Carpets edge vacuumed
✓ Baseboards hand wiped
✓ Window sills and moldings hand wiped
✓ Blinds dusted
✓ Furniture surfaces hand wiped
✓ * Bed sheet change (Optional for extra cost)
✓ Change bedding if requested *
✓ Closet floors vacuumed
✓ Pictures and decorations dusted
✓ Doors spot cleaned
✓ Light fixtures dusted and wiped **
✓ Ceiling fans dusted **
✓ Doorknobs cleaned and disinfected
✓ Cobwebs removed
✓ Outlets and light switches hand wiped
✓ General dusting

*Additional charges may apply
**Only within reach with vacuum extender pole